Saez-Rodriguez Group

Systems Biomedicine

Miguel Hernandez

I did my bachelor’s degree in Biology at the Universidad de Guadalajara in Mexico. Back then I had joined a couple of wet-lab groups focused on molecular biology and immunology. After having the opportunity to do research in Germany, I started my M.Sc degree in Molecular Bioscience at Heidelberg University. While exploring my interests, at first, I carried out internships which had both wet-lab and dry-lab components, but then I fully transitioned to bioinformatics. The projects included high-throughput screens of regulatory sequences, tool development in the context of a TCR-epitope deconvolution platform for autoimmune diseases, and studying gene regulatory networks in the immune system using a multi-omics cell atlas. During this time, my interest on two areas only grew: i) the immune system and its impact on disease mechanisms, and ii) tool development and data analysis to better understand biology. I will focus on both of these areas during my PhD at the Saez-Rodriguez group. I will explore IgA nephropathy by analyzing multi-omics datasets and will also dedicate my time to the prior-knowledge tools developed by the group.

Research Interests

I am very excited about the ever expanding reach of bioinformatics and multi-omics datasets, and the opportunity that this brings to better understand disease mechanisms. My interest lies at this intersection. Particularly, I am fascinated about the immune system and its involvement in an array of diseases, including cancer and autoimmune disorders. On the bioinformatics side, I enjoy exploring multi-layered datasets and piecing together the clues from the biology that lies behind.

Professional Career

2023-present PhD candidate, Saez-Rodriguez group, Institute for Computational Biomedicine, Heidelberg University Hospital, Germany
2023 M.Sc in Molecular Biosciences, Major in Molecular and Cellular Biology, Heidelberg University, Germany
2023 Internship, Saez-Rodriguez group, Institute for Computational Biomedicine, Heidelberg
2023 M. Sc. Thesis, Zaugg group, EMBL, Heidelberg
2022 Internship, Lu group, Institute for Computational Biomedicine, Heidelberg
2021 Internship, Platten group, DKFZ
2020 Internship, Lindner group, BioMed X
2019 B.Sc in Biology, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico
2018 Internship at the Max Planck for Developmental Biology, Tuebingen, Germany


2019-2023 M.Sc. in Molecular Biosciences, Heidelberg University, Germany
2014-2019 B.Sc in Biology, Universidad de Guadalajara, Mexico