Saez-Rodriguez Group

Systems Biomedicine

Tim Rose

I did my Bachelors degree in Düsseldorf and Cologne in Quantitative Biology, followed by a Master degree in Biophysics in Berlin. In between, was in Bordeaux for an ERASMUS research internship. During my Bachelor and Master, I worked in the labs of Oliver Ebenhoeh, Nils Bluethgen, Steffen Klamt, Edda Klipp, and Jean-Piere Mazat.

After this, I did a PhD in Bioinformatics in the group of Josch Pauling at the Technical University of Munich. I worked on the functional analysis of lipidomics data, by creating and analyzing data-specific lipid metabolic networks. Further, I worked on algorithms for the molecular stratification of diseases.

I am currently a postdoc at the EMBL and associated with the Saez-Rodriguez group to work on spatial and single-cell metrabolomics data.

Research Interests

I am interested in understanding the dynamics of the metabolism in health and disease. Especially  the metabolism of complex lipids and their role in common metabolic diseases. For this I utilize metabolic networks, quantitative metabolomics and lipidomics data in combination with network science, machine learning and other computational biological algorithms.

For my current work, I received a postdoctoral fellowship from the AI Health Innovation Cluster ( to work in the groups of Theodore Alexandrov at EMBL and Julio Saez-Rodriguez. I work on the development of computational methods to analyze spatial and single-cell metabolomics data. My main project focuses on the understanding of the metabolism of the non-alcoholic fatty liver disease on the single-cell level.

Professional Career

2022-present Postdoctoral Fellow in the Alexandrov group, Structural and Computational Biology Unit, European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Heidelberg and Saez-Rodriguez Group, Institute for Computational Biomedicine, Heidelberg University, Faculty of Medicine & Heidelberg University Hospital


2019-2022 PhD in Bioinformatics at the Technical University of Munich in the Junior Research Group LipiTUM
2017-2019 Master of Science in Biophysics, Humboldt University Berlin
2013-2017 Bachelor of Science in Quantitative BIology, Heinrich-Heine-University Düsseldorf & University of Cologne